Entry 2


5 Different Ways to cook an egg; Get cracking!

Eggs have proved to be everyone's favorite when it comes to snacks or rather breakfast the most important meal of the day. How you cook your eggs could get boring to the point you don't feel like eating an egg again. This part of the blog will show you different ways to switch up your eggs for better. 

(an image by 
Nosh City

1. Hard boiled:

Many know this method as it is the most common of ways. It is done by placing eggs in boiling water for about 15 minutes then taking them out and serve them cold or medium heat. 

2. Poached: 

These are cooked by boiling water in a pan then gently breaking an egg into the boiling water. you then wait for the egg white to harden then serve on toast or salad with added vinegar and salt.

3. Sunny side up:

Heat up a pan and add butter or any oil of your choice, then crack an egg right on top wait till the egg white turn more white which is about 4 minutes then serve.

4. Scrambled eggs: 

Heat pan with butter or your chosen oil and add a mixture of whisked egg with salt. Slowly use a spatula to turn it all over the pan while stirring until fluffy.

5. Fried eggs:

Whisk eggs with salt and black pepper or any other seasoning of your choice. On a heated pan add butter or any other oil of your choice and some onions if you prefer, then add the egg mixture wait for it to get hard and opaque then flip it to the other side wait for about 1 minute then serve the eggs.


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